Open Hours
Mon - Fri:
8.00 am - 8.00 pm
9.00am - 6.00 pm
9.00am - 6.00 pm

We perform all both factory and general log book inspections. Your manufacturers new car warranty is by law safe in the hands of independent mechanics.

From raditor repairs, all lubricatants to air conditioning we have you covered. 

Steering and Suspension are important aspects of your vehicle. Not only about a comfortable ride, but the ability to stop in any emergency safely. 

The essentials of any vehicle. We take care of all aspects from wheels, tyres to the associated braking mechanisms. 

In modern cars there is a lot more to the exhaust system than imagined. Not only an aspect tp save on fuel costs, but also an essential on the check list for environmental reason.

From minor timing belt changes to full engine rebuilds our experience factory trained mechanics get jobs done fast thanks to a wide level of experience and knowledge. 

From all aspects of a vehicles transmission to simple clutch replacements, we have solutions for all your needs.

Call or drop in to discuss your vehicle needs.

Pink Slips done while you wait.